Take notes in style with the Šinobus JŽ series 812 A4 notebook. It’s inspired by the classic Yugoslavian railbus built in the Goša factory from 1959 to 1969, based on the Uerdingen VT-95 railbus design. Each of its 100 lined pages is decorated with Šinobus illustrations.
Zabeležite beleške sa stilom uz Šinobus JŽ seriju 812 A4 sveske. Inspirisan klasičnim jugoslovenskim šinobusom izgrađenim u fabrici Goša od 1959. do 1969. godine, prema dizajnu Uerdingen VT-95 šinobusa. Svaka od njenih 100 liniranih stranica je ukrašena ilustracijama Šinobusa.